Spiritual Direction

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction is an ancient tradition where one individual journeys with a spiritual director in the search for a closer and more vibrant relationship with God.

The goal of Spiritual Direction is a deeper awareness and appreciation of God’s presence and movement in all relationships and circumstances.

Spiritual Direction involves deep listening, which helps people live more reflective and grateful lives. The contemplative time of a direction session can provide rest and refreshment for weary souls.

The True “Director”

The title Spiritual Director is misleading because it’s the Holy Spirit who is the true director in the room. The Holy Spirit is the true Host, prompting and guiding the agenda while the director and client pay attention to the promptings.

What is a Spiritual Direction session like?

Typically, sessions take place once a month for one hour. It’s a safe opportunity for clients to tell God what’s on their mind, and to listen for what God might have to say about their current situation. It’s a chance to reflect on life’s events, and to bring whatever is on a client’s heart; all with the desire to notice where God may be working. Clients might talk about how they and God are getting along, what the theme of their life has been the past month, what their current prayer life is like, their desire for discernment in making decisions, or topics related to their relationships.

Spiritual Direction is a unique space to embrace God through:

  • reflective questions
  • times of silence & prayer
  • guided meditation
  • scripture reading
  • dream work
  • the enneagram

Differences between Counseling and Spiritual Direction

*Spiritual Direction is not the same as therapy. Although, both can involve learning to become more attentive to God’s voice. The content can be similar but the method has some differences.

Case Example:

Jennifer comes to a session happy because she received a compliment from her boss but she quickly becomes negative.

Jennifer’s counselor might say, “How quickly you move from this place of joy.” They might then explore why this is and if this has been a common experience throughout her life. But, as Jennifer’s Spiritual Director, I might say “At the beginning of the session you were touched by your boss’ words. Let’s pause and see what else God might say in this place of joy.” My response leads us into a time of listening prayer.

Therapy Sessions:

Many therapy sessions begin with a problem and seek resolutions. The relational dynamic that plays out between therapist and clients is talked about because then the client can understand on a deeper level their style of relating and how others experience them. Counseling may be a better fit if you are struggling with emotional or personality disorders, addictions, or deep family issues, or if you are feeling highly depressed or driven by phobias.

Spiritual Direction Sessions:

Spiritual direction doesn’t necessarily start with a problem. Instead, it starts with a person’s health and desire for a deeper union with God. Often times, someone seeking a spiritual director have already spent time in counseling. The session is not about seeking solutions but about seeking God. The goal is not to resolve issues but to seek God’s voice and guidance. The relationship between the spiritual director and the client is important and can be used by God to bring healing, but the real focus is the client’s relationship with God.

I am a Christian Spiritual Director. I believe that Jesus Christ is the source of all healing, freedom and peace.

I declare God’s rest over you today.

Rebecca Anthony-Spiritual Director

To learn more about Rebecca Anthony click on her bio here. If you would like to set up a Spiritual Direction session with Rebecca Anthony, please call our office line at, 970-640-2428..