Rebecca Anthony Bio

Rebecca Anthony, MA, LPC

My personal journey has taught me that trying to be “perfect” and performing for love, only weighs us down with anxiety, but resting with Jesus and receiving His grace, sets us free.

My life’s purpose is to encourage women to slow down, and receive God’s loving words of truth, life and acceptance. I recently heard Spiritual Direction described as a luxurious sacred hour of resting in God’s presence. I love that description! As the Holy Spirit (the true director in the room) guides me, I offer: guided meditations, space to breathe and bring your Heavenly Father whatever is on your heart, (he can handle our hurts, our doubts and our fears), questions that help you dig deeper and discover your deepest desires, and times of silence and listening prayer. Jesus loves to spend time with us and God is inviting us all to pay attention and notice the ways He is already working in our lives.

I’ve been married for over a decade and I’m grateful for the strength and kindness of my husband, Stephen. Stephen and our amazing sons inspire me not to take myself too seriously, and to savor the good gifts right in front of me. I’m a fan of hosting neighborhood potlucks, swing and salsa dancing, cooking, hiking with friends and family and reading. Jesus is inviting my family and I to live a grateful, unhurried, unplugged, and generously hospitable life.

I would love to journey with you as your spiritual companion, as you discern what invitations the Lord has for you, during this season of your life.

Educational Background:

In 2005 I received a Masters of Counseling Psychology and a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Seattle School of Theology & Psychology. Because I love all things contemplative, I have a second certificate in Spiritual Direction from CFDM, Christian Formation & Direction Ministries, Pacific Northwest.

I am passionate about helping others experience all of the healing, freedom and breakthrough that Jesus has in store for them!