Mental Health Blog

How We Can Already Be On Our Career Exploration Path Without Knowing It

Categories: Career Counseling

Oftentimes, we are perplexed and overwhelmed with the daunting task of finding a new career. What we do not realize is that sometimes we are already walking on a career new path but do not recognize it. For example, right before I decided to jump back into the career counseling field, I realized that I had recently found new jobs for a myriad of friends. I did this without even connecting the dots that I was already engaging in career counseling, in an informal capacity. There are seasons where we are naturally assisting people in specific arenas, without getting paid. During these seasons, we are simply operating out of a natural overflow of our desire to help. God oftentimes puts His favor on us in an area without us even recognizing it. If you are contemplating a career change, ask yourself, “In what areas am I already seeing success and favor in nonvocational arenas in my everyday life?” Who knows, you may already be on your career exploration path without even knowing it.

Denise Payne, MS
Certified Career Coach

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